On behalf of an agreement between the Spanish and the US governments (Host Country Program) Spanish astronomers can observe with our antennas a 3% of total available time. Host Country Program is managed by the Astrobiology Center (NASA/INTA/CSIC). For this project mainly K-band and Q.-band spectroscopy observations are performed. Most relevant results have been the detection for first time of water maser emission from a planetary nebula by Host Country group. Additionally Robledo participates in a survey of water masers in the surroundings of super-massive Black Holes in the center of Active Galaxies (Samba Smithsonian Project) lead by a group in Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA).
PARTNeR Project
Additionally the 34m antenna DSS-61 is used for the PARTNeR Educational Project. Their current observation mode is single dish but they could collaborate with Apple Valley (GAVRT project) and perform interferometric observations. Currently the project is performing continuum emission studies of different radio sources, as Jupiter. One of their main projects is the study of variable X-ray binaries in collaboration with the Barcelona University. X-ray binaries are associations of two stars with mass transfer from one to the other. Apart from being very bright in X-rays, their radio emission is variable.